Town News

TOL Raises Pan-African Flag for African Heritage Month

In recognition of African Heritage Month in Nova Scotia, the Town of Lunenburg is proud to raise the Pan-African flag at the UNESCO Flagpoles (corner of Prince & Townsend).
This year’s theme, “Legacy in Action: Celebrating Black Brilliance,” honours the living legacy of Black Nova Scotians while highlighting the strength and resilience of their historic communities.
Nova Scotia is home to 52 historic African Nova Scotian communities, each with a profound history spanning over two centuries. African Heritage Month is a time to celebrate their culture, legacy, achievements, and contributions, both past and present.
We encourage residents and visitors to take a moment to reflect, engage, and learn—raising the Pan-African flag is just one way to recognize and celebrate this important month. To explore more, visit


With the weather conditions yesterday and overnight and the current temperature, conditions on roads and sidewalks are particularly icy today.


Public Works continue to salt roads and sidewalks, but please be very cautious if travelling around Town in vehicles or on foot until the conditions have a chance to improve.

Snow Removal of Parking Areas

Public Works is requesting that Resident who utilized any of the designated off-street parking areas during Sunday’s storm event (Lunenburg Academy, Sylvia Park or Green St Tennis Courts) remove their vehicles from these locations today so that snow clearing can be performed safely in these areas.

Vehicles should be removed from these off-street parking areas within 72 hours of the storm event being complete.

Thank you to everyone for your continued cooperation.

Road Closures for Snow Removal

To help relieve congestion, Public Works will be removing snow at the Community Centre Parking Lot through the day today and then be on King Street and Lincoln Street this evening from 6pm-10pm.

Temporary road closures will be in place around the work zone. Those who usually park within the work zone during this time should find an alternative location to allow crews to complete their work.

Road users and pedestrians should use caution and follow signage if travelling through these areas.

Please see this map for safe options to park your vehicle during this time.

Vehicles interfering with the snow removal may be towed at the owners' expense.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Municipal Planning Strategy Amendment Approved

At its October 8, 2024 meeting, the Town of Lunenburg Council approved an amendment to the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) to align it with the Old Town Lunenburg Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Plan and By-law. The Province has now reviewed and approved this amendment.

What Changed?

  • Removed outdated references to the old HCD review process now that the new HCD Plan and By-law have been adopted by Council.
  • Updated Policy 5-4 to match the wording of Policy 47 in the HCD Plan and By-law, ensuring the documents are clearly linked.
  • Ensured consistent language between the MPS and the HCD Plan and By-law while reaffirming the Town’s commitment to protecting Lunenburg’s heritage.

Why Was This Needed?

On February 27, 2024, Council approved the Old Town Lunenburg HCD Plan and By-law. During the provincial review, the Town was advised that before the Province could approve the HCD Plan and By-law, the MPS needed to be amended for consistency across planning documents. These MPS updates do not change any policies—they simply ensure the MPS and HCD Plan and By-law are fully aligned.

What’s Next?

Now that the MPS amendment is approved, we expect an update on the status of the Old Town Lunenburg HCD Plan and By-law in the near future.

Effective Date

This amendment to the MPS takes effect as of: February 7, 2025.

For More Information


Please contact the Community Development Department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 902-634-4410 x225.

Next Council Meeting: Feb.11 at 6 pm

Council’s next regular meeting is Feb.11 at 6 p.m. 

The agenda package for this meeting is now available:

Council meetings are open to the public and held in Town Hall. Please use the accessible back entrance at 120 Townsend Street.

Meetings are also livestreamed through Zoom. To livestream this meeting starting at 6 pm, use this link: