Services Provided
- Electricity supplier to the Town of Lunenburg & surrounding communities including Garden Lots, Blue Rocks, First Peninsula, Stonehurst, Mason's Beach, & Lilydale
- Read & maintain electric meters, utility lines & poles
- Maintenance of main substation & two backup substation transformers
- Issue Electric Wiring Permits & electric wiring inspections
- Connect power for temporary service or community panels for Town events
The Town of Lunenburg owns and operates its own electric utility providing residential and commercial services. The Lunenburg Electric Utility distributes electricity in its service district extending to Mason’s Beach and Blue Rocks in the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg and is divided into circuits as shown in the pdf map of Lunenburg Electric Utility Circuits (2.11 MB) .
Read about the pdf history of the Town of Lunenburg Electric Utility (108 KB) .
Email Notification List
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Note: We do update subscribers about unscheduled power outages, but cannot guarantee this will always be possible depending on circumstances of the specific outage.