Low Income Property Tax Relief Program
Low Income Property Tax Relief Program Form - Click here for Form
If you have questions about the program, please contact the Finance Department at wmills@townoflunenburg.ca or 902-634-4410, ext. 221.
Tax Certficates
For information regarding Tax Certificates please contact Wendy Mills, wmills@townoflunenburg.ca or 902-634-4410, ext, 221
2024/25 Tax Certificate rate – $54.65
Finance eServices
You can now access your bills online through the Town's eServices website.
- Access your property/sewer tax bills, and water and electric utility bills online.
- Receive email notifications when your bills are ready to view.
- Access current balances, payment history, and meter reading information.
- Update mailing and contact information details in order to stay up to date.
- Accessible 24/7 from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
- Environmentally friendly - reduced paper usage.
For more information, go to the Finance 'Billing & Payments' page.