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Sunday June 25  12:00PM - 4:00PM

Pop-Up Info Session

Lunenburg Bandstand (weather permitting)

Alternate venue:  Lunenburg Academy Room 101 (first floor)

Community Development Staff will be on hand to answer your questions. Please note:  The accessible entrance on the south side of Lunenburg Academy will be open.  Due to contstruction, you can access it by driving around the back of the building.  Parking is available by the entrance. We will announce a venue change if necessary, by early Saturday evening so watch for notices on social media and here on the website.

Monday, June 26  6:00PM

Heritage Advisory Committee Public Participation Meeting

Town Hall - please use Townsend Street entrance

All are welcome to attend online or in person.  For complete information including the agenda package, ZOOM link and how to participate, please click here