A public information meeting will be held by the Town of Lunenburg’s Planning Advisory Committee in Council Chamber, Town Hall

120 Townsend Street at 6:00 pm

Monday, March 25, 2024.

This meeting is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts on the following amendments:

  • Amend the Town’s Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law to redesignate properties on Green Street [PID 60052495, PID 60052503 (rear and front portion), PID 6005251, PID 60052529, PID 60052537, PID 60052552, PID 60487857, PID 60052586, and PID 60052594] to Residential (RES) and rezone them Lower Density Residential (RL).
  • Amend the Land Use By-law to enable up to five on-site parking spaces in front yards in the Medium Density Residential Zone.

More information, including maps and a Zoom link is available in the March 25, 2024 Planning Advisory Committee Agenda Package.

There are many ways you can submit feedback to the Committee. You can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mail comments to 119 Cumberland Street, P.O. Box 129, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada B0J 2C0. Please remember that written comments become part of the public record. For written comments to be included in the Committee meeting agenda, please submit them by 8:00 am on March 19.

You can also present in person on March 25. There is no need to sign up in advance to speak. A signup sheet will be available in Council Chambers on March 25; anyone can sign up to present. We hope to see you there!
