An update on the progress of this investigation project re: housing is below. The first Fact Sheet was shared with the public in May 2022, pdf here (720 KB) .
Sep 26, 2022 – The Town of Lunenburg is investigating the possibility of divesting ownership of Upper King Street PIDs 60057387, 60057379, 60057395, 60579687 and 60057460 into private ownership for private uses, i.e., housing. A map of the lots is available below.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued in June to obtain potential housing development design scenarios for Medium Density Residential and Higher Density Residential for the lots at Upper King Street. Seven responses were received and ranked by the RFP selection criteria, and the top three interviewed by a selection committee.
At the Council Meeting of September 13, 2022, the project was awarded to ZZAP Consulting Inc.
What is the project meant to accomplish?
This project is intended to help get the highest and best use for the Town. This includes best use of the lands in keeping with the Town’s Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP), including affordable/accessible housing, as well as highest sale value.
The project will provide potential developers with a plan that considers density, zoning, solutions to engineering challenges, servicing of the properties, etc.
How will the design relate to what may be built?
The preferred design would be part of the sales package if and when the lands are listed for sale, with the understanding that the design has the support of Town Council and residents. Already having been vetted would make the permitting process smoother.
The consultants will include the ways and means of insuring the development meets the desired results.
What are the next steps to a possible divestiture?
Council directed an investigation into the possible divestiture to proceed at their May 10, 2022 meeting. This includes the following elements:
1. A legal review is in progress for clear title and migration into the Land Registration system, which is standard practice for public lands of this type and location.
2. A land survey is in progress to identify boundaries and easements for electrical service.
3. Parks Canada is the custodian of UNESCO sites in Canada. As the lands under consideration are in the Buffer Zone of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Parks Canada has been notified of the possible divestiture.
4. Once design scenario(s) have been completed by ZZAP, a Public Information Meeting will be scheduled for presentation and consultation.
5. The lands must be declared “surplus” by Council before they can be listed for sale on the open market. The design would be part of the sale package.
Further steps to be determined as the process advances. Timing will be provided as information becomes available.
• Agenda and/or Minutes packages re: the Council Meeting of September 13, 2022 containing the staff report on this item and copies of the proposals can be downloaded here:
• A copy of the RFP for Upper King Street Extension Development is available for download here:
• The Comprehensive Community Plan is available on the Town website here: