Folder Source Water Protection Advisory Committee

The Source Water Protection Advisory Committee works with the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg to protect the Dares Lake Watershed and the Town’s water supply. The Advisory Committee seeks to ensure a safe water supply for businesses and residents in the Town of Lunenburg and a small area in the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg that draws water from Dares Lake. 

Responsibilities: As a committee member, you’ll work alongside local government representatives and community members to:

  • Safeguard the Water Supply: Help ensure a safe, sustainable water source for our community by advising on best practices and protection measures for the Dares Lake Watershed.
  • Collaborate on Water Quality Initiatives: Engage with fellow residents and municipal representatives to develop strategies that prevent contamination and promote long-term water quality.
  • Advocate for Conservation: Provide input on policies that protect this crucial water resource for current and future generations.

The Committee includes two Lunenburg Councillors, one Councillor from the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg and two area residents. 

Members are expected to attend evening meetings scheduled by staff and the Committee Chair. The Committee typically meets every few months, but more meetings may be called if necessary.

Terms of Reference: 
pdf Source Water Protection Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (194 KB)

Staff Contact: 
Tyson Joyce, Director of Public Works
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