Folder Heritage Advisory Committee

The Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) advises Council on all heritage matters. HAC operates under the guidance of the Heritage Property Act and the Heritage Conservation Districts Regulations and provides recommendations to Town Council on items such as the review, preparation, and potential amendments of heritage documents. This includes the Town's Heritage Property By-law and the Town's Heritage Conservation District Plan and By-law. HAC also advises Council on applications for permission to substantially alter or demolish a Town Heritage Property.

For more information on the Town's Heritage services and regulations, see: Heritage


The Committee consists of two councillors, two members of the Lunenburg Heritage Society or individuals who have otherwise demonstrated interest in the preservation of buildings of historic significance, and two residents.


Members of the HAC are expected to attend evening meetings scheduled by staff and the Committee Chair. The Committee typically meets every few months, but more meetings may be called if necessary.

Staff Contact

Laura LeGresley, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 902-634-4410 x 234

Agendas & Minutes

