June 07, 2023
The Town has issued an Request for Proposals (RFP) to re-design our Civic Square. The design will be compatible with the surrounding historic fabric and create a barrier-free, accessible and inclusionary public outdoor space for all to enjoy.
Civic Square is located within the Old Town World Heritage Site. It is a significant character-defining element within its Statement of Universal Value and National Historic Site Statement of Significance. Any development proposal must preserve Civic Square’s heritage value in line with these formal recognitions.
Public engagement is a key part of this process. Three design proposals will be chosen by staff and then presented to the public for feedback before making a recommendation to Council.
Parks Canada, our liaison to UNESCO will also be notified of design proposals. Designs will not affect our UNESCO status. Rules and regulations for designs are clearly stated in the RFP.
- Restoration of the Bandstand, bringing the structure up to accessibility standards
- Rehabilitation of all three monuments – the Cenotaph, LVFD Monument, and UNESCO Monument – bringing them up to accessibility standards
- Rehabilitated Town Hall (119 Cumberland) entrances, bringing them up to accessibility standards while adhering to the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada
- Improved access and pedestrian circulation throughout Civic Square
- Hard and soft landscaping designs, including consistent ground surfaces, stairs, ramps, railings, and other elements towards creating a unified and accessible space
At least one (1) of the three (3) development schemes must include one of these options:
- Siting for a new public building (design not included in this RFP)
- An amphitheatre with a focus towards the Bandstand
- A play structure – a playground
- A Pride crosswalk
- Parking, ideally underground parking.
- Costs are as yet, unknown. Cost estimates will accompany the design proposals and will be part of the information available during the public engagement process. Council will then decide to award the tender and costs associated.
- Funding for the development of the design came from the 2023 approved Capital Budget.
- Funding for the actual development will, upon Council’s approval, will come from the 2024-25 Capital Budget.
- We have much work to do within the Town of Lunenburg. This is a combination of operating and capital works. As we better understand the capital costs with associated planning RFP’s we’ll prioritize that work accordingly for Council approval through the budgetary process. The intent is to identify the ways and means of making Lunenburg more accessible in keeping with the provincial direction to make Nova Scotia fully accessible by 2030. Creating an accessible civic square is one step closer to making this a reality.
To read the full version of the RFP, please visit: