CCP Cover 400 500The CCP

The Project Lunenburg   pdf Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) (34.53 MB)  was approved by Town Council on November 17, 2020, and established as the current Strategic Plan of the Town of Lunenburg and for the next 40 years.

Further, the 35 action items identified in the CCP,  pdf Section 12.11 "Implementation and Monitoring" (125 KB)  are the actions to be implemented for the first five years (2020-2025).

News and Updates

Reporting to Council and the Public

Quarterly Status Updates

Annual Work Plans

The Annual Work Plan is a roadmap of the municipality's priorities for the applicable fiscal year (April 1 to March 31). This roadmap is determined by the Project Lunenburg Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) as well as by the essential core services we provide to our residents, businesses and visitors.

For more on the budget, visit Town Budget & Tax Rates.

CCP Guiding Principles

Developed by the community, the guiding principals provide the overarching direction for the Comprehensive Community Plan. pdf Download Poster (349 KB)

CCP Strategic Directions and Goals

Community Structure

A town that accommodates growth and change in a well-planned way that is respectful of its layered past and creates opportunities for its long-term future.


A town that offers a wide range of high-quality and affordable housing options.

Servicing and Facilities

A town where the long-term infrastructure needs of the community are met through strategic management and incremental, well-phased upgrades that are financially sustainable.


A town with an integrated transportation system for all modes that can support the needs of residents and visitors without creating an undue burden on the town.

Economic    Development

A town where year-round, well-paying employment is available to all residents.


A town that continues to evolve as a living heritage site and recognizes a holistic view of its diverse history.

Urban Design

A town that is shaped by cohesive design and supported by amenities that create an attractive, enjoyable, and sustainable urban environment for residents and visitors.

Environment and Sustainability

A town that is ecologically diverse and climate-resilient that has adapted to a changing climate while also reducing its overall footprint on the natural environment

Culture and Recreation

A town where all community members have access to cultural and recreation experiences.


A town where positive relationships, communication, continual engagement, and shared vision are the foundation of municipal decision-making.

Project Lunenburg Community Consultation

Discussion Papers

The discussion papers provided context for the Town of Lunenburg and lay the foundation for the Town's CCP. Released by the consultants throughout the project, they provide essential background information and analysis on the topic area.

  • pdf Community Profile (1.01 MB) This paper looks at the past and current demographic context for the community. Through the trends of the past information can be derived on housing, infrastructure, recreation, and more.
  • 1/8  pdf Housing (3.40 MB) This paper looks at demand before inventorying the existing supply and affordability. It also identifies opportunities and alternatives to provide housing supply.
  • 2/8  pdf Transportation (2.94 MB) This paper takes an overarching look at the topic of transportation. The discussion will identify opportunities, building upon past and current initiatives.
  • 3/8  pdf Built Heritage and Streetscapes (5.09 MB) This paper looks at the qualities and opportunities for protection and evolution of built heritage and public streets. It describes the national context of standards for heritage preservation.
  • 4/8  pdf Recreation and Community Spaces (4.09 MB) This paper presents the importance of parks and recreation spaces, as well as broader trends. it also provides an inventory and analysis of existing assets in Lunenburg.
  • 5/8 pdf Environment and Sustainability (1.69 MB) This paper examines Lunenburg’s natural environment and how the impacts of climate change could affect the town and surrounding area.
  • 6/8  pdf Arts and Culture (4.67 MB) This paper provides an overview of community assets and the economic relevance of arts and culture. It also examines how diversity and identity interplay with local culture.
  • 7/8  pdf Economic Development (1.67 MB) This paper reports on the current industries and employment that support the community. It also broadly explores economic development, and what it means for Lunenburg.
  • 8/8  pdf Governance and Collaboration (1.62 MB) This paper describes the current context of municipal governance, as well as how municipal governance is evolving. Collaboration, at a broad level, is discussed for its importance to all facets of community building in Lunenburg.

What We Heard Reports

These reports bring together what the consultants heard in Project Lunenburg during participation events and surveys. Released throughout the project, they provide essential summary information and analysis on the topic area.

  •   pdf Lunenburg Individual Survey (1.85 MB) A general survey asking a variety of questions to kickstart Project Lunenburg. Hosted online, responses were collected between February 27, 2019 and April 7, 2019.
  • 1/8  pdf Housing (922 KB) The results of multiple engagement activities, including a community workshop, focusing on housing needs, issues and opportunities.
  • 2/8  pdf Transportation (2.06 MB) The results of a community workshop and other engagement activities, focusing on challenges and improvements for various modes of transportation.
  • 3/8  pdf Built Heritage and Streetscapes (2.38 MB) The results of a community workshop and online engagement, with major themes about the form and character of the built heritage, historical narratives, and the public realm of streets.
  • 4/8  pdf Recreation and Community Spaces (7.60 MB) The results of a community workshop and online engagement focusing on the themes of parks and open spaces, facilities and programming, culture, heritage and education.
  • 5/8  pdf Environment and Sustainability (4.34 MB) The results of a community workshop and online engagement activities, focusing on climate change, sea level rise, and other themes related to the environment.
  • 6/8  pdf Arts and Culture (4.53 MB) The results of two community workshops and online engagement, with major themes outlining participants’ views on arts and culture programming, facilities, management, and more.
  • 7/8  pdf Economic Development (1.33 MB) The result of a community workshop and online engagement, highlighting existing strengths and challenges to governance and collaboration in Lunenburg, and identifying opportunities for improvement.
  • 8/8 pdf Governance and Collaboration (4.63 MB) The results of a community workshop and online engagement, input looks at the future economy of Lunenburg and actions that may help the Town achieve its goals. The report also includes results from three surveys intended for visitors; builders and developers; and the hospitality, accommodation and tourism sector.